Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Olympic Jesus is Pleased...

...OR The Story of My Own Olympic Event

Preface: I love Jesus and I believe he has a fantastic sense of humor. I also grew up with a deep appreciation of Captain D's. I promise these are completely related.

One of the most spectacular cases of good timing occurred this past Friday. Let me set the scene: It's fourteen minutes to the start of NBC's tape delayed Olympic Opening Ceremonies and I am in desperate need of fish and chips.

My original intentions had been to cook my own dinner and proudly sit on my couch just in time to catch the coverage. Unfortunately, my laziness overcame me that day and I did not make it to the grocery store (this is not a huge surprise, as I have not legitimately grocery shopped in quite some time.) Anyways... with the Olympics about to start (even though they had technically started on Wednesday,) I needed fish and chips, and quickly. My first thought: Captain D's.

You know, legitimate British fare.

I was very terrified that I would miss coverage, but I could not make it through the evening without battered and fried fish with a side of french fries, so I jumped in the Honda and raced up the street. Ann Hamilton had her reservations, but I had faith, faith that the Captain D's drive-thru line would move as swift as the coursing river.

Yes, I made that reference. It is always applicable.
I am happy to report that not only did Captain D's give me speedy service (which I'm sure means it was all sitting under a heat lamp,) but I made it home with FOUR minutes to spare. Olympic Jesus loves me. I'm also positive Regular Jesus loves me and I'm pretty sure Olympic Jesus and Regular Jesus are one-in-the-same, but who knows? He's Jesus and he can do what he wants; granted, he'd so win all the events if he competed.

[No image of Olympic Jesus here. They were too sacrilegious for comfort. Google if you wish.]

As for the rest of the opening ceremonies, I teared up and cried a good bit. I cheered a lot. I got all sorts of wrapped up, and I still can't get over all the fantastic Queen of England memes. Thank you interwebs.

Olympic Opening Ceremony Highlights According to Ann Hamilton

This just needs to be told, y'all. I know the Olympic Opening Ceremony was several days ago, but my memories of that viewing experience, and more specifically my memories of my roommate, are so vivid that I feel I must share them with the world (or the three people who read this blog). Before I get started, there's something you need to know about Brittany. She's obsessed with a pretty big fan of the Olympics. There has been almost nothing on our TV but Olympic competitions since Friday. And I'll admit, I'm catching her Olympic fever. It makes me feel both patriotic and  connected with the global population. I know the Olympics are about proving that your home country is better at all the things than all the other countries, but it's also kind of about togetherness, right? Just let me keep thinking that. It gives me the warm fuzzies. Also, the Olympics are in London, which allows me to indulge my anglophilia. 

Typical Olympic attitude.

But Brittany loves the Olympics. She will cheer for her favorite countries (US, Poland, and Malawi) and encourage the Olympians as they compete. Seriously, Missy Franklin probably owes that gold metal to Brittany's cheering (never mind the fact that it was a tape delay race). But my favorite Britt-lympic (see what I did there?) moment so far has been how drawn in she was to the Opening Ceremony. 

Olympics. Cannot. Look. Away.

I know some people may not have enjoyed it, and even more people will probably say that China's ceremony was better, but we both really enjoyed the UK's ceremony. As Brittany pointed out, it just felt really personal. It was so people oriented, which was really nice. And while the giant grassy hill was cool, and the volunteers danced really well (especially the industry gentlemen with their top hats and mutton chops), and the queen diving into the arena was hilarious, and Mary Poppins kicking Voldemort's butt was impressive, and the cauldron lighting was epic, and Sir Paul rocked the house, can we all just please agree that the queen's corgis stole the show?

Your impressive sideburns do not trump royal puppies.

Let me tell you my reasons. First of all, puppies are awesome. Second of all, corgis are adorable and therefore even more awesome within the general category of "puppy". Third of all, the corgis in question are royal corgis, and that carries some weight. But finally, the most important reason the corgis were the best part of not only the James Bond skit but the entire 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony is because Brittany said, and I quote, "At first when I saw them, I thought they were giant bunnies!"

Dawww, look at the bunni.. uh, I mean puppies!

Now Queen Elizabeth's corgis have a different name in E26. They are now and forever Bond Bunnies.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Welcome to E26!

Salut! I'm Brittany. I was named after a soap opera actress. I'm probably the antithesis of everything that woman encompassed. I'm 23 years old and working on a master's degree that allows me to spend an enormous amount of time with teeny tiny children. I also scream-whisper out of excitement, a lot.

Hi! I'm Ann Hamilton (that's my first name, just roll with it). I'm 23 years old and working my way through grad school. I'm way too loud, watch way too much television, and say things like "that's bonkers."

And we just became roommates. It's going down in E26. Get excited.