Thursday, July 11, 2013

Almost the end, but not quite

It's mid July, which means the lease on our apartment is almost up, which means AH and BSteer's E26 shenanigans will officially be over, and this blog will officially be put to rest. Brittany decided to go off and get married, so even though her (old) name is on the lease, I'm the solo resident of E26 at the moment. I think that means it's my responsibility to wrap things up.

As I was typing up a final post, I started to reference something that I thought I had published but couldn't find on the blog. I looked through the drafts to discover that not one but five different posts had been started and never finished. Since there's still a little bit of time in July, I'll try to wrap those up as best I can and share them with the world. I will post one each day, followed by the final post.

For now, an update.

Where are they now?
BSteer graduated from her masters program, married this guy she loves, sang "Friends in Low Places" with gusto at her reception, and is settling into the next phase of her life. With a heavy heart (I like to think) and eyes to the future, she hugged E26 goodbye at the end of May and left the apartment forever with a U-Haul full of furniture and two years of fond memories to ease her transition.
(For real, y'all, she hugged the apartment. It was adorable.)
BSteer's final moments in a mostly empty E26
BSteer's first married moments with her hubby
BSteer's first married moments with me!

AH is still trudging through her masters program; she'll graduate in December, but by then she won't live in E26 anymore so who cares, anyway? She attended BSteer's wedding and viewed it not as losing her roommate to someone else, but as gaining a new roommate for the final month of their roommate-ship. AH has a new roommate lined up for next semester (who is pretty awesome, just so you know) when she'll move into F36 (I know, kinda freaky, right? I'm taking it as a good omen).
For now, she spends most of her time dog sitting.
AH with a puppy
AH with another puppy
AH with two other puppies... and coffee 
[Insert "Forever Alone" jokes here]

Tomorrow I will finally post the long overdue follow up to our skating adventure, part two: in which AH and BSteer roast marshmallows, and also there's a mishap with fire.

Stay tuned!


  1. Aww what a shame that the legacy of E26 that has been passed down from generation to generation of roommates is coming to an end. Just for the record though, I was there first!

  2. I am SO sad that E26 is coming to an end. Seriously. You guys are the best. Thanks for always letting me call E26 a second home!
