Thursday, August 23, 2012

AH and BSteer are Posting Again: the Epistolary Edition

Sorry for the long posting hiatus! Last week was pretty crazy for both Brittany and myself, and we let blogging fall to the wayside. I went to the beach, which was lots of fun but resulted in a vicious sunburn. Brittany went to a wedding, which didn't result in sunburn, but was still lots of fun as far as I know. Please don't be angry that we didn't post. Here's a picture of a baby highland cow to make up for it.

Hi! I'm adorable! :)

I promise, we'll try not to neglect our shenanigans again. But if we do, we'll give you more pictures of cute baby animals. That's a win/win, right?

School started back this week! It feels strange to be in the midst of fall semester again. There are so many freshmen on campus and it makes me feel very, very old. Brittany and I like to walk on campus at night, and now there are so many babies running around and playing frisbee and hanging ENOs in the trees. They still have so much hope and joy and optimism in their eyes. Bless them. Of course, Brittany and I dance around and sing and be shenanigany just like freshmen, except we're super old. But don't let me get ahead of myself. We'll have more on that another day.

Anywho, BSteer and I are both trying to settle into our semester routines, from getting used to work and class schedules to planning meals in E26. One of our daily routines is to check the mail, but we're usually quite disappointed; the Internet and electric companies are the only ones who want to talk to us, and they only ever want our money. Recently, however, our trip to the mailbox was much more exciting than usual.

Yay! A letter that's a letter and not a bill! 

We got a letter! My dear friend and former high school roommate Laura, who blogs at Unpunctuated Life, decided to show us some epistolary love. You may remember our desperate begging nonchalant request for some snail mail when we were recounting our sneaky zucchini exploits.  Laura immediately asked for our address, and I knew we would be in for a treat. Laura is one of the best letter writers I know. She's sent me the occasional letter over the years, and it always brightens my day.

 Laura has cute stationary. It even maintained the produce theme and included this clever insert.

Making shenanigans since 2005! I should post those videos one day...

 Unfortunately, I'm a terrible letter writer. I'll often start a letter to send in return, but I rarely finish it. Sometimes I'll finish it, but I'll forget to buy postage so it just sits on my dresser staring at me, judging me for being so terrible at returning letters. Eventually I'll shove it in a box under my bed so the blank area where a stamp should go will stop haunting me. It's a good thing I wasn't born in the 1800s; the girls got to wear great dresses, but they wrote far too many letters for my taste. I'd end up being a recluse who never went to balls because I forgot to reply to my invitation. So Laura, I hope you don't mind, but you're getting a blog post instead of a letter. It comes with flashback photos!

     Laughing Raptors, adorable socks, and our first roommate picture.
(Circa 2005 - now THAT makes me feel old)

Ah, memories of S201. See those polka dots? It took us hours to cut those things out. I'm pretty sure we did it while watching Gilmore Girls on my laptop. That's right. Be jealous. Also, I hunted through lots of old high school photos to find these gems, and I've come to a significant conclusion. I miss gaucho pants. I've never owned comfier pants.

For those of you who aren't lucky enough to know Laura, check out her blog! She'll teach you things about life, domesticity, and couponing like you've never dreamed.

Wanna be blog famous? Email us at to request our snail mail address (unless you're a creepy stalker).

PS: BSteer and I want to start tweeting! Follow us on twitter at Shenanigans_E26 for random bits of ridiculousness.


  1. Wow, I forgot about gaucho pants. Stacey and Clinton would never approve, but I sure enjoyed them.

    Please contact me to sign a legal release before you inflict my goofy roommate videos on an unsuspecting public. ;-)

    I'm glad you enjoyed your mail! And thanks for pointing people to my blog. :-)

    Ah, the memories this post brought back...I'm glad you have a fabulous roommate to create more with!

  2. Blogger is being weird for me, so I don't know if it's told you that I'm following you or not.

    But I am. So there's that.

    Also, I'm terribly envious of your gaucho pants. I never had any because my mother was convinced that they weren't real pants. It was a disappointing time. I did (and still do) have a fantastic collection of sweatshirts. Super-comfy.
