Ann Hamilton has no idea that I have listened to the same Neon Trees song SIX times in a row and I still only know about 10 words total. She has no idea that I have sung the Mulan song a capella four times since 2 a.m.
She also doesn't know that I've been wondering what it would taste like if I took the creme from the oreos sitting on our counter and mixed it into my coffee and then ate the cookie part for breakfast. I don't think I'll attempt this, because I really don't want to spaz out from a sugar/caffeine overdose on my first morning of practicum when I have had no hours of sleep. I don't think I can count the hours if I'm not coherent [shame.]
Ann Hamilton MIGHT know that those dang dogs are still howling. They don't really bother me, but seriously, I think they need a lozenge. These dogs haven't stopped in 5.7 years. (This number could be completely off, as I have only lived in this apartment for 14 months.) The howling might have something to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or werewolves, or Buffy going to the moon, I can't really remember at this particular moment.
Ann Hamilton doesn't know that I've been wearing my penguin hat she got me for my birthday. She does; however, know that I have named him Alfred.
Those be zombie eyes, ye be warned.
Anyway, I have now listened to that Neon Trees song 9.5 times and I've learned about half the song. I'm going to regret this evening in so many ways in a couple hours. Do employees at K-2 schools get nap time?
OH! Ann Hamilton definitely knows that we do not compare Michael Phelps to sparkly vampires. That is grounds for gasps and the stern Brittany voice.
everybody talks?
ReplyDeleteYes! You know me... you know me so well.