Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Riding a Werewolf to the Moon

I'm pretty sure Ann Hamilton knows that I sometimes stay up pretty late; I am not convinced that she knows that I stay up super late (or as I like to refer to it "I never end up falling asleep") on a fairly regular basis. Granted, I keep my insomnia to my room, with my occasional venture into the kitchen, which is one baby-step from my bedroom door.

Ann Hamilton has no idea that I have listened to the same Neon Trees song SIX times in a row and I still only know about 10 words total. She has no idea that I have sung the Mulan song a capella four times since 2 a.m.

She also doesn't know that I've been wondering what it would taste like if I took the creme from the oreos sitting on our counter and mixed it into my coffee and then ate the cookie part for breakfast. I don't think I'll attempt this, because I really don't want to spaz out from a sugar/caffeine overdose on my first morning of practicum when I have had no hours of sleep. I don't think I can count the hours if I'm not coherent [shame.]

Ann Hamilton MIGHT know that those dang dogs are still howling. They don't really bother me, but seriously, I think they need a lozenge. These dogs haven't stopped in 5.7 years. (This number could be completely off, as I have only lived in this apartment for 14 months.) The howling might have something to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or werewolves, or Buffy going to the moon, I can't really remember at this particular moment.

Ann Hamilton doesn't know that I've been wearing my penguin hat she got me for my birthday. She does; however, know that I have named him Alfred.

Those be zombie eyes, ye be warned.

Anyway, I have now listened to that Neon Trees song 9.5 times and I've learned about half the song. I'm going to regret this evening in so many ways in a couple hours. Do employees at K-2 schools get nap time?

OH! Ann Hamilton definitely knows that we do not compare Michael Phelps to sparkly vampires. That is grounds for gasps and the stern Brittany voice.